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Commonly used goods size standard

Time:2015-03-19 16:11

Calculated by gross weight, measurement units of kg. For shortage in weight of 1 kg of mantissa four to five homes in. Each air waybill cargo weighing less than 1 kg, 1 kg of calculation according to the. The valuables is calculated according to actual gross weight, calculation unit is 0.1 kg.

Non wide body aircraft to carry cargo, the weight of each piece of cargo is generally not more than 80 kg, volume is generally not more than 40 x 60 x 100 cm. Wide body aircraft to carry cargo, the weight of each piece of cargo is generally not more than 250 kg, volume is generally not more than 100 x 100 x 140 cm. Over and above the weight and volume of the goods, the carrier may handling equipment condition based on the models and the departure and destination airport, determine the maximum weight and volume can transport goods.

Each item is long, wide, Gao Zhi and not less than 40 cm.

Every kilograms of cargo volume of more than 6000 cubic centimeters, for light cargo. Light goods to 6000 cubic centimeters per equivalent to 1 kg weight.