Service hotline:020-38337233 Mob:15920490845(General manager John ) | 中文版 | English


  • Retention period of various goods and custodial fee

    Ordinary goods Since the day a notice of arrival of free custody three days ( general cargo batch arrival free custody period from the arrival of the last shipment of notification of the date ) . More than free custody period, charging acco...

  • Commonly used goods size standard

    Calculated by gross weight , measurement units of kg . For shortage in weight of 1 kg of mantissa four to five homes in . Each air waybill cargo weighing less than 1 kg, 1 kg of calculation according to the . The valuables is calculated acc...

  • The advantages of the international multimodal tran

    1 simple procedures , unification of responsibility International multimodal transport mode , regardless of how far the goods fortune , whether done by several means of Transport Co transport of goods , and whether the goods in transit on h...

  • 13条记录